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About Us Affiliate Organizations

Affiliate Organizations

Standing strong

Educational institutions, affiliates, partners and teams

Serving an osteopathic community of more than 151,000 DOs and medical students throughout the U.S.

The American Osteopathic Association works closely with a number of groups to encourage growth of education, science and knowledge of osteopathic medicine. These groups provide a number of services by location, by specialty and within different areas of the osteopathic medical profession.

Select an option below for more information about an affiliated branch of the osteopathic community.

Explore 37 medical schools offering instruction at 58 teaching locations

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Osteopathic Medical Schools

Search for an osteopathic organization in your specialty

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Specialty Colleges

Search for an osteopathic medical association in your state

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State Associations

Explore partner foundations, licensure groups and student organizations

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Osteopathic Stakeholder Organizations

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