Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation Third-Party Comments

Third-Party Comments

Your voice matters

The AOA Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation (COCA) welcomes third-party comments on its accreditation reviews.

The COCA will receive, review and consider third-party comments on comprehensive reviews, Candidate and Pre-Accreditation applications, requests for substantive change and requests to enter into a teach-out agreement.

Persons wishing to present third-party comments must provide their comments in writing 30 days prior to the COCA meeting at which the matter will be reviewed. All third-party comments must be submitted in writing. Employees and students of the COM under consideration may not submit third-party comment. While the comment document must identify the commenter, the COCA will keep the identity of the commenter confidential to the extent possible. The COM will be notified of the third-party comment and will receive a copy of the written comments so that they can respond to the comments.

Please send any requests to submit third-party testimony or questions to

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