REGISTER for DO Day | NEWS: AOA leaders advocate for profession on Capitol Hill

About Us Advocacy Federal Advocacy Initiatives

Federal Advocacy Initiatives

Making an impact

Shaping health policy to advance your practice & improve patient care

Representing more than 145,000 osteopathic physicians and medical students, the AOA works to reduce regulatory burdens and improve affordability and access.

Through its National Osteopathic Advocacy Center in Washington, D.C., the AOA promotes policy advancements that benefit DOs and their patients, expand graduate medical training opportunities and promote public health.

Our strategy encompasses policy development, lobbying on Capitol Hill, regulatory engagement, and engaging our members and affiliates in grassroots advocacy.

What we do

The AOA works to build relationships with policymakers at all levels of government and facilitate the direct voter-to-legislator communication that ultimately delivers the strongest message.

  • Federal lobbying: We engage directly with lawmakers to advocate for policies that support the osteopathic profession, and educate them on the importance of funding a physician-led workforce.

  • Regulatory advocacy: We study and evaluate regulatory proposals that could impact the profession, submit comments to federal agencies, and engage directly with federal agencies’ leadership to promote our goals.

  • Osteopathic representation on federal advisory committees and panels: We regularly submit nominations and help create opportunities for DOs to share their unique perspective on federal advisory committees and panels.

  • Participation in coalitions: Advocacy is most effective when large groups representing the same interests or point of view collaborate. We work with a wide range of partners in the healthcare field to amplify our voice.

  • Campaigns: The American Osteopathic Information Association supports the campaigns of candidates who will further our profession’s goals and values.

Want to get involved?

Visit our Online Advocacy Center to select your desired level of grassroots engagement.

Our top 5 priority areas

Advocacy at the federal level is crucial to promoting the osteopathic profession and translating our philosophy into policy.

  • Strengthening the physician workforce

    The AOA supports legislation that increases the physician workforce through graduate medical education funding and student loan repayment programs. This includes enacting a multi-year reauthorization of the Teaching Health Center Graduate Medical Education program to support training for primary care physicians in rural and underserved communities.

  • Access and affordability

    We are fighting to ensure all patients have access to the care they need by preserving essential benefits coverage and consumer protections in insurance markets. We support legislation that promotes management of chronic conditions and opioid alternatives for pain management.

  • Entitlement reform

    We're working to ensure continued and sufficient federal funding to support Medicare and Medicaid expansion, while protecting patient benefits, eligibility and coverage.

  • Regulatory reform

    We advocate for reduction of administrative burdens that detract from patient care and interfere with the patient-physician relationship. This includes support for regulatory changes that provide greater flexibility in service delivery and ensure the transition from a volume-based to value-based health care system that provides adequate reimbursement.

  • Funding priorities

    We support funding for programs that promote a strong physician workforce, preventive services and public health research. This includes funding for the National Institutes of Health and other agencies that support osteopathic physician-researchers. In addition, we advocate for funding of health research on firearm-related morbidity and mortality prevention.

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