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Practicing Medicine Telemedicine


Mobile Medicine

Get the resources and know-how you need to implement telehealth in your practice

Whether you're a telemedicine veteran or exploring remote patient care for the first time, we've got you covered.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began in 2020, physicians across the nation have reported unprecedented growth in the demand for telemedicine. If you’re considering adopting telehealth into your practice for the first time, making the transition might be easier than you think.

The following resources can help you determine whether your practice is a good fit for telehealth and assist you through implementation, HIPAA requirements, coding and payment.

On-demand webinar: Telemedicine

Learn how to “Successfully Practice Medicine From a Distance” through telemedicine. Osteopathic family physician and telehealth veteran Michael Brown, DO, shares his experiences as the first physician in his state to adopt telehealth.

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On-demand webinar: Update on telemedicine services for coders & billers

This AOA/AOIA webinar, recorded May 28, gets you up to date on every service that your practice can provide to its patients, so you can make sure you keep your revenue stream consistent.

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On-demand webinar: HIPAA and telemedicine

Watch this AOA/AOIA webinar, recorded April 6, to learn more about the OCR’s new COVID-19 guidance on HIPAA and the federal civil rights laws, as it pertains to telemedicine. Lee Hamil Little, JD & Brian Tuttle, CPHIT, CPA, CHA, CBRA, CISSP, walk physicians through common do’s and don’ts.

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Telehealth guide

The AOA has created a practice guide highlighting telehealth updates to aid physicians with implementation in their practices. View the latest information on federal policies, participating health plans, CMS recommendations and private payer coding protocols.

View the guide

Current telehealth regulations in your state

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, many states updated regulations to enable more physicians to adopt telemedicine. View a state-by-state breakdown showing status of telehealth expansion and licensing waivers.

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Telehealth tools to use during COVID-19

The American Osteopathic Information Association (AOIA) has put together a list of free services physicians can use for telehealth consultations, including free or low-cost platforms offering their services to physicians during the pandemic.

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