For the 2022-24 AOA Board Certification CME cycle, diplomates who hold non-time-limited board certification and do not voluntarily participate in OCC are required to earn 120 total CME credits.
The following requirements apply to all diplomates who hold osteopathic board certification through the AOA and its specialty certifying boards.
Time-limited certification
Physicians who hold a time-limited board certification issued by the American Osteopathic Association (AOA) are required to meet the specified CME requirements for the 2022-24 Certification CME cycle as part of Osteopathic Continuous Certification (OCC) Component 2: Lifelong Learning/Continuing Medical Education (CME).
The number of CME credits required is determined by each specialty certifying board. Newly certified diplomates entering mid-cycle will have their CME requirement prorated. Learn more.
Physicians CME Activity Report will outline the total CME requirement, the amount of credits required in Categories 1 and 2, and if applicable, the specialty specific CME requirement. The table below lists the requirements by specialty board. Diplomates who hold time-limited certifications must complete the OCC Component 2: Lifelong Learning/CME requirement as outlined below in addition to all other components of OCC.
Non time-limited certification
Non-time-limited diplomates who choose not to voluntarily participate in OCC will be required to obtain 120 CME credits during the 2022-2024 certification CME cycle regardless of specialty.
The number of credits required in Categories 1 and 2 and, if applicable, the specialty specific CME requirement is detailed in the table below.
Non-time-limited diplomates who choose to voluntarily participate in OCC are required to meet the specified CME credit hour requirement for the 2022-2024 certification CME cycle as part of Component 2: Lifelong Learning/Continuing Medical Education (CME). The number of CME credits required is determined by each specialty certifying board.
A diplomate’s CME Activity Report will outline the total CME requirement, the number of credits required in Categories 1 and 2, and, if applicable, specialty specific CME requirement. The table below lists the requirements by specialty board. Diplomates who hold non-time-limited certifications and are voluntarily participating in OCC must complete the OCC Component 2: Lifelong Learning/CME requirement in addition to all other components of OCC.