View our highlights from the past year! | AOA ANNUAL REPORT


Category: The DO

The DO

The academic medicine life: Why it’s a calling for some DOs

In addition to a more flexible schedule, the academic route offers an opportunity to diversify your skill set—by treating patients, teaching students, and conducting research—and to build strong mentoring relationships.

The DO


The DO

Violence against physicians: Facing an elevated risk at the hands of the patients they serve

According to a 2013 report by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, health care workers are four times more likely to experience violence than those in private industry with 80 percent of serious cases caused by interactions with patients.

The DO


The DO

School of rock: Here are 5 ways to manage residency interviews, audition rotations like a rockstar

Residency interviews and audition rotation performance are both incredibly important, but they occur within the same time period. Equip yourself for success and an easier fourth year with these expert tips.

The DO


The DO

AOA submits comments to CMS on proposed Physician Fee Schedule rule

The proposed rule would collapse payment for levels 2-5 of both new and established patient office visit codes into two payment rates.

The DO


The DO

Notes from afar: Najaha Musse, OMS II, shares 5 tips for medical students on serving abroad

If you are fortunate enough to travel to another country and assist in the care of patients in medically underserved areas, here’s what you should know before you go.

The DO


The DO

From Ethiopia to the US to Haiti: A journey to support underserved patients

Born in Ethiopia before emigrating to the U.S., Najaha Musse, OMS II, was given a crash course in Haiti this summer on how socioeconomic factors impact health.

The DO


The DO

Space medicine Q&A: NASA DO on his upcoming Antarctica, ISS missions

NASA Flight Surgeon Richard Scheuring, DO, will head to Antarctica in early October for six weeks to support the National Science Foundation and its research teams who will be working there.

The DO


The DO

Money and medicine: Cancer expert to speak on drug prices at OMED 2018

Peter Bach, MD, is on a mission to make drugs more affordable. Here’s what he’s doing–and what he’ll be talking about at OMED.

The DO


The DO

Maintaining wellness: Here are 5 ways to maintain mental wellness and avoid burnout

To mitigate the challenges of medical school and practicing medicine, Jessica Barber, MD, advises prioritizing self-care and stress reduction techniques.

The DO
