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Category: JOM


Effect of manual manipulation on mechanical gait parameters

A variety of manual manipulation techniques are utilized in clinical practice to alleviate pain and improve musculoskeletal function. Many manual practitioners analyze gait patterns and asymmetries in their assessment of the patient, and an increasing number of gait motion capture studies are taking place with recent improvements in motion capture technology. This study is the … Read More

JOM Staff



Investigating Fryette’s mechanics in computed tomography scans: an analysis of vertebrae spinal physiology using open-sourced datasets and three-dimensional vertebral orientation

Fryette’s mechanics is taught as a simplistic model of coupled vertebral movement, fundamental in osteopathic practice. This study seeks to better understand the likelihood of Fryette’s model by calculating vertebral orientation in computed tomography (CT) scans. Given previous findings of low angular coupled movements during overall spinal motion, static calculations provide a unique perspective on the … Read More

JOM Staff



Assessing nutrition literacy and nutrition counseling proficiency following an interdisciplinary culinary medicine elective

Culinary medicine (CM) is a growing field of education that aims to bridge the gap between the clinical need for nutritional counseling and the lack of education on the topic. Healthcare professionals can aid in nutrition-related noncommunicable disease (NCD) prevention by improving a patient’s dietary behavior. However, the presence of nutrition education in healthcare curricula … Read More

JOM Staff



October 2024 issue of Journal of Osteopathic Medicine now available

In the October issue of Journal of Osteopathic Medicine (JOM), you’ll find a lineup of articles across various subspecialty areas and topics, including an investigation into the impact of prepregnancy BMI on pregnancy and neonatal outcomes, an assessment of the use of telemedicine by physicians in 2021, a review of the effect of manual manipulation … Read More

JOM Staff



Food insecurity and childhood outcomes: a cross-sectional analysis of 2016–2020 National Survey of Children’s Health data

Racial inequalities across social determinants of health (SDOHs) are often influenced by discriminatory policies that reinforce systems that further uphold these disparities. There is limited data describing the influence of food insecurity (FI) on childhood racial discrimination.

JOM Staff



Investigating the safety and feasibility of osteopathic manipulative medicine in hospitalized children and adolescent young adults with cancer

Children and adolescents young adults (AYAs) undergoing treatment for oncologic diagnoses are frequently hospitalized and experience unwanted therapy-induced side effects that diminish quality of life. Osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) is a medical intervention that utilizes manual techniques to diagnose and treat body structures. Few studies have investigated the implementation of OMT in the pediatric oncology … Read More

JOM Staff



Limb spasticity and telemedicine consultation for reconstructive surgery: patient perspectives of surgical assessment

Spasticity is characterized by increased muscle tone and stretch reflexes, often caused by an upper motor neuron (UMN) syndrome. Many patients live with their dysfunction of their upper or lower limbs for many years and are managed by a multidisciplinary team including physical medicine and rehabilitation specialists, neurologists, and/or physical therapists in an attempt to … Read More

JOM Staff



Where are the Black men in osteopathic medical schools?

Over the past decade, the American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine (AACOM) and the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) have emphasized the need to enhance diversity within medical education. Despite concerted efforts, the representation of underrepresented populations in medicine (URiM), particularly Black men, remains alarmingly low.

JOM Staff



An osteopathic orientation to interprofessional education

The osteopathic tenets may serve as a useful guideline for an interprofessional program. There is an alignment between the osteopathic tenets and the concept of interprofessional education (IPE). IPE occurs when students from two or more professions work with each other to collaborate or improve healthcare outcomes.

JOM Staff
