REGISTER for DO Day | NEWS: Record-breaking Match produces 8,049 new DO residents

About Us Living #DOProud

Living #DOProud


We know how much you do for your patients. We want the world to know, too.

The AOA's new osteopathic brand campaign aims to increase awareness & understanding of the distinctive approach DOs bring to care

The AOA’s new Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine brand campaign celebrates the unique training, perspective and approach you bring to the practice of medicine. From your first days of medical school, you pledged to provide osteopathic care with a focus on treating the whole person—body, mind and spirit. You’re committed to listening and partnering with your patients, and the AOA is committed to supporting you any way we can.

As part of the brand campaign, the AOA’s Osteopathic Pride Campaign is focused on highlighting the enormous contributions of osteopathic physicians and medical students using #DOProud. Follow the campaign on the AOA’s social media channels and The DO to join the celebration.

Real DOs making a real difference

In addition to honoring DOs, the new brand campaign aims to build increased awareness and understanding of osteopathic medicine among patients and the public. In order to tell the stories of DOs and patients, we believe it’s imperative to show the faces of real DOs and patients. So in late June 2021, nearly 20 osteopathic physicians from a broad spectrum of specialties, backgrounds and career stages gathered in Chicago to take part in a campaign photoshoot that resulted in a series of print, digital, cable and social media ads that display the compassionate whole-person care DOs deliver to their patients each day.

Watch the video below to see these DOs in action and learn about the AOA’s commitment to supporting your education, training and practice of osteopathic medicine throughout your career.

Modern medicine for the body, mind & spirit

In addition to letting the world know we’re #DOProud, the osteopathic medicine brand campaign aims to increase public awareness of DOs, and even more importantly, to build understanding of what makes them unique. The multi-year, multi-channel campaign will reach prospective patients across the U.S. with messages about the DO distinction.

  • Television

    Broadcast, cable and streaming TV spots are airing in select markets, including San Diego, Philadelphia and Tampa

  • Print Media

    Look for ads in print publications including Good Housekeeping, Women's Day and Prevention

  • Streaming Audio

    Listen for radio ads about osteopathic medicine on channels like Spotify and iHeart Radio

  • Digital Ads

    Find digital ads on thousands of websites, including Healthline, Newsweek and Good Housekeeping

  • Social Media

    Follow along with both the consumer and #DOProud campaigns on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

  • News Media

    Look for national print and broadcast coverage in top-tier publications like Healthline and Discover

Campaign TV spot

The following television spot is currently airing in select markets including Tampa, Philadelphia and San Diego—and ran during the Tokyo summer Olympics. The commercial features seven DOs who practice in a variety of medical specialties across the Chicagoland area.

Campaign print ads

Campaign digital ads

Follow the campaign

Bookmark this page to follow the progress of the brand campaign, and be sure to follow the AOA on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram for regular updates. We look forward to sharing the distinctiveness of osteopathic medicine with prospective patients across the country and celebrating what it means to be #DOProud.

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