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From foundations to licensure groups, learn more about the role osteopathic stakeholder organizations play in supporting DOs.
View the list below to learn more about colleges, foundations, health care groups and other organizations that work closely with the AOA.
Health IT & Innovation
American Osteopathic Information Association (AOIA)
The AOIA helps physicians advance patient care through health information technology, practice management support, advocacy and strategic partnerships.
American Fascial Distortion Model Association (AFDMA)
The AFDMA works to train doctors, support research and educate the community about the Fascial Distortion Model and its benefits, for individuals and for society at large.
Osteopathic Family and Friends
Advocates for the American Osteopathic Association (AAOA)
AAOA is a nonprofit organization comprised of friends and family members of osteopathic physicians who work to promote and support the osteopathic profession in the educational, legislative and social arenas.
Colleges and Students
American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine (AACOM)
AACOM lends support and assistance to the nation’s osteopathic medical schools, and serves as a unifying voice for osteopathic medical education. AACOM represents the administration, faculty and students of all of the osteopathic medical colleges in the United States.
Student Osteopathic Medical Association (SOMA)
SOMA is the student affiliate organization of the American Osteopathic Association. SOMA promotes osteopathic ideals and unity within the profession, educates future osteopathic physicians, and establishes and maintains lines of communication among health care professionals in an ongoing effort to improve the quality of health care.
Council of Osteopathic Student Government Presidents (COSGP)
The COSGP is composed of the elected student body presidents of the colleges of osteopathic medicine. The purpose of the organization is to provide a mechanism for the interchange of ideas among osteopathic medical students and others concerned with osteopathic medical education.
Osteopathic Medical Educators
Assembly of Osteopathic Graduate Medical Educators
AOGME’s mission is supporting and advancing osteopathic graduate medical education (GME), with the goal of promoting osteopathic recognition in GME programs.
Licensure Groups
American Society of Osteopathic Medical Regulators (ASOMR)
The ASOMR is the organization that supports the distinctiveness and integrity of osteopathic medical licensure. It is the unified authority in matters that affect osteopathic medical licensure and discipline.
National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners (NBOME)
The NBOME is a not-for-profit corporation dedicated to serving the public and state licensing agencies by administering the COMLEX exam which tests the medical knowledge of those who seek to serve the public as osteopathic physicians.
International Groups
DOCARE International
DOCARE International provides primary medical care to underserved populations, augmenting their opportunity to experience health despite an “ambush of circumstance.” We provide global health experiences to students, residents and volunteers of all kinds — offering an immersive, firsthand experience in how social circumstances influence health, and teaching them how to help.
Osteopathic International Alliance (OIA)
The purpose of the OIA is to advance the philosophy and practice of osteopathic medicine and osteopathy throughout the world.
Affiliate Society Directors
Association of Osteopathic State Executive Directors (AOSED)
AOSED was organized in 1918 for the purpose of strengthening AOA-affiliated state divisional societies, promoting coordination of divisional society programs, providing assistance for the development of divisional society leadership, and aiding with efforts of the AOA in the advancement of the osteopathic profession in the United States. Members of AOSED serve as a resource for the AOA and interact with its Bureaus, Councils and Committees, as well as the AOA Board of Trustees.
Society of Osteopathic Specialty Executives (SOSE)
The purpose of the Society of Osteopathic Specialty Executives (SOSE) is to serve as a professional association promoting the interests of executive directors and pertinent executive staff members of AOA affiliated specialty organizations. Members of SOSE serve as a resource for the AOA and interact with its Bureaus, Councils and Committees as well as the AOA Board of Trustees. Membership in SOSE is open to any person charged with the primary executive management and day-to day operation of a recognized American Osteopathic Association (AOA) affiliated specialty organization.
American Osteopathic Foundation (AOF)
The AOF serves as the philanthropic arm of the American Osteopathic Association. Contributions to the AOF benefit thousands of osteopathic medical professionals through grants, scholarships, and awards to students, physicians, researchers, and osteopathic programs.
National Association of Osteopathic Foundations (NAOF)
The NAOF organizes and maintains a group of osteopathic foundations represented by executive staff professionals who offer resources for promotion and/or funding of osteopathic programs in seeking to provide a better understanding of osteopathic medicine and to serve the health care needs of the general public.
Northwest Osteopathic Medical Foundation (NOMF)
The NOMF provides education to the public on the tenets of osteopathic medicine and supports the osteopathic community of the Northwest.
Osteopathic Heritage Foundation
The Osteopathic Heritage Foundation supports community health initiatives in central and southeastern Ohio and works to advance osteopathic medical care, medical research and osteopathic medical education locally and nationally.
SOMA Foundation
The SOMA Foundation is an affiliate of the AOA that supports the education and professional development of osteopathic medical students in the Student Osteopathic Medical Association (SOMA) through a not-for-profit commitment to administering scholarships, grant, and promoting philanthropy.
Museum of Osteopathic Medicine
Located in Kirksville, Missouri, the Museum of Osteopathic Medicine preserves and promotes the history and tenets of osteopathic medicine through collections and research to a global audience.