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Policy fellowship application deadline approaches

Fellows will learn about advocacy strategies and gain a greater understanding of how to be an effective advocate for their patients and for the profession.

By AOA Staff


Apply now for the AOA’s Training in Policy Studies (TIPS) Fellowship, a program designed to prepare the next generation of leaders in health policy.

The American Osteopathic Foundation fully funded this one year program, offered at no cost to participants.  The program provides residents with an understanding of current health policy issues and helps them build skills necessary to speak up on behalf of their patients and tackle complex public health challenges through policy.

Participants will get to engage with experts in the field of health policy, build their writing skills, and take part in exciting leadership opportunities.

Learning objectives

  • Policy analysis: Fellows will enhance their analytical skills by reviewing policy proposals and evaluating their impact, as well as through developing their own proposals.
  • Data translation: Fellows will hone their ability to translate research and data into usable information for policymakers.
  • Writing for policy change: Fellows will develop a policy paper during the fellowship to adapt and apply their writing abilities to the public policy environment.
  • Leadership and advocacy: Fellows will learn about advocacy strategies and gain a greater understanding of how to be an effective advocate for their patients and for the profession. Fellows will also have the opportunity to engage with professionals in the health policy field.

Meeting participation

TIPS participants attend seven fellowship sessions, including four in-person events, throughout the year to discuss important health policy topics such as physician payment models, the opioid epidemic, comparative effectiveness research and how the results of the 2020 elections will influence health care policy.

Fellows will have transportation and one night of lodging covered to attend the 2019 and 2020 OMED conferences, LEAD Conference, and DO Day on Capitol Hill. The AOA will cover costs related to travel for the in-person meetings in accordance to its travel policy.

All osteopathic physicians who have completed one year of postgraduate training and remain in an active AOA- or ACGME-accredited training program are encouraged to apply.

The deadline for applications is on August 25th. More information, including the 2018/2019 agenda and 2019/2020 application, can be found on the TIPS webpage.