REGISTER for DO Day | NEWS: Record-breaking Match produces 8,049 new DO residents

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AOA, News Releases

Record number of DOs secure residency positions through NRMP Match

CHICAGO—Breaking a new record for osteopathic residency placements on Match Day, a total of 8,049 osteopathic (DO) medical students and graduates matched into postgraduate year one (PGY-1) training programs today through the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) Match. This all-time high total reflects a 92.6% match rate for the 8,392 DO seniors who participated, an … Read More

AOA staff


AOA, News Releases

Leading organizations unite to affirm vaccine safety amid rising misinformation and declining trust

In response to growing concerns over vaccine misinformation, declining public trust in science and recent outbreaks of preventable diseases, a coalition of 34 scientific and medical organizations, led by the American Association of Immunologists (AAI) and the American College of Physicians (ACP), has issued a unified statement emphasizing the critical role of vaccinations in public … Read More

AOA Media Team



Decorated Navy DO is named Physician to the President

Capt. Sean Barbabella, DO, a decorated Navy physician, is the new Physician to the President. Dr. Barbabella will serve in the White House Medical Unit as President Donald Trump’s personal physician. Dr. Barbabella’s appointment marks the third consecutive time a DO has served as Physician to the President. Kevin O’Connor, DO, was former President Joe … Read More

AOA Staff



The impact of osteopathic recognition on multiple medical specialty residencies in a university-based setting

n 2020, the allopathic and osteopathic residency programs were merged into a single residency system, with the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) as the sole accreditor for residencies and fellowships in the United States.

JOM Staff



The negative effects of long COVID-19 on cardiovascular health and implications for the presurgical examination

In 2019, emergence of the novel and communicable severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection took scientific communities by surprise and imposed significant burden on healthcare systems globally.

JOM Staff


The DO

In Memoriam: March 2025

The following list of recently deceased osteopathic physicians includes links to obituaries and online memorials if they’re available. Readers can notify the AOA of their deceased colleagues by sending an email to [email protected]. You may also view a list of past In Memoriam columns.

The DO Staff


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