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CME CME Policies CME Exemptions, Reductions & Waivers

CME Exemptions, Reductions & Waivers

2022-24 Guide to CME

Common situations that may require a CME reduction or waiver

Exempted diplomates include physicians who are retired or active-duty members of the military.

AOA exemptions or reductions in the number of required credits for certification granted by the Bureau of Osteopathic Specialists (BOS) does not affect individual state CME licensing requirements. Waivers or reductions in CME will not be granted without due cause unless policy advises otherwise.

Below is a list of common situations that may result in a reduction or waiver of the Component 2: Lifelong Learning/CME requirement for OCC. For situations other than those listed below, please contact your AOA specialty certifying board.

Reduction/Waiver Request Types
Type Reduction/Waiver
Retirement • Diplomates who place their certification into official “retired” status do certification CME requirement
• Certificates placed back into “active” status from “retired” status will have a prorated requirement 
Military (non-career military personnel, includes physicians called to active duty, emergency need duty, military operation, or placed on standby) • Reduction of 1/6 of all requirements for every 6 months of qualifying service
• Military orders, including anticipated length of service (or final length of service if at the conclusion of service) are required to qualify for this reduction
Military (assigned to positions other than the diplomate’s specialty) • Reduction of 1/6 of all requirements for every 6 months of qualifying service
• Military orders, including anticipated length of service (or final length of service if at the conclusion of service) are required to qualify for this reduction
Military (career military personnel, including working with the Veterans Administration and/or U.S. Public Health Service) • The BOS is aware of the difficulty physicians in the military have in acquiring osteopathic CME. If a military physician is deficient at the end of the CME cycle, a waiver of the remaining requirement may be granted
Working outside the geographical boundaries of the United States and Canada (includes missionary service) • Diplomate must work out of the geographical boundaries of the US and Canada for a minimum of six continuous months and provide documentation from an employer or volunteer/missionary organization showing the dates of service
• 6-12 months’ service = 1/3 reduction in each requirement
• 1-3 years’ service = 50% reduction in each requirement (maximum allowed is 50%)
Full medical disability (permanent with no intention to return to work) • Diplomate must provide a letter or statement from the treating physician.
• 100% of the requirement is waived
• If a disabled physician ever returns to practice (even in an administrative position), they will have a prorated requirement
Temporary medical disability (currently unable to work, but anticipating eventual return to work) • Diplomate must provide a letter or statement from the treating physician.
• Up to 12 months’ illness = 1/3 reduction in each requirement
• 13-24 months’ illness = 2/3 reduction in each requirement
• 25-36 months’ illness = 100% waived
Maternity/Paternity leave • Documentation of approved FMLA from employer required
• Self-employed physicians must provide documentation from a treating provider in lieu of FMLA paperwork)
• 25% reduction in each requirement for diplomates who take maternity/paternity leave during the CME cycle
Other extenuating circumstances • In the event that a diplomate is facing circumstances that prevents obtaining sufficient credit, the diplomate is encouraged to contact the AOA Bureau of Osteopathic Specialists or [email protected] for additional information requesting a reduction or waiver of CME requirements

Request a CME reduction or waiver

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