REGISTER for DO Day | NEWS: Record-breaking Match produces 8,049 new DO residents


Category: The DO

The DO

Why ensuring continued access to vaccines is essential to the health of America

When many of us think about vaccines, images of children lining up for the first doses of the polio vaccine may pop into your head. This was the first publicized vaccination campaign to eradicate an easily transmissible but now preventable disease.

The DO Staff


The DO

DOs share their top Match tips from the past year

As Match season 2025 wraps up this year on March 21, students and DOs who are participating in this year’s National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) Match are anxiously awaiting to find out which programs they have matched into. The NRMP uses a computerized mathematical algorithm to place applicants into residency and fellowship programs; the algorithm … Read More

The DO Staff


The DO

How DOs can help their patients process trauma

Edward Stiles, DO, FAAO (Dist.), has dedicated his career to advancing osteopathic medicine. A graduate of A.T. Still University Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine (ATSU-KCOM), he was mentored by leading specialists and pioneered the first hospital-based osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) services and Medicare coding system. With decades of leadership at osteopathic colleges, including the University … Read More

The DO Staff


The DO

After retiring from medicine, keeping up (for the fun of it)

Let me start by saying that I don’t plan to, nor do I wish to, ever pick up a scalpel again. Depending on your line of work, you may never wish to pick up your respective medical implement either, whether it’s a stethoscope, a reflex hammer or simply a pen.

The DO Staff


The DO

In Memoriam: March 2025

The following list of recently deceased osteopathic physicians includes links to obituaries and online memorials if they’re available. Readers can notify the AOA of their deceased colleagues by sending an email to [email protected]. You may also view a list of past In Memoriam columns.

The DO Staff


The DO

Upcoming AOIA webinar to address preventing and managing conflicts with patients

Jeff Segal, MD, JD, will host a live continuing medical education (CME) webinar on March 13 covering working with difficult patients, how to prevent conflict before it starts and how to manage it when it occurs. Mismanaged expectations can result in conflict, and even when expectations are properly set, other conflicts may arise.

The DO Staff


The DO

The DO Book Club, March 2025: ‘At the Will of the Body: Reflections on Illness’

Stories and storytelling illuminate ideas and create shared understanding and connection. Stories are important—powerful ones have changed the world. Some stories happen without notice, while others impose themselves on our lives.

The DO Staff


The DO

Choosing what to wear during clinical rotations, residency and beyond

Medicine is one of the most respected professions. This respect has allowed physicians to maintain a high degree of social standing for generations, and it has led professionalism to be the foundation of the medical field. As individuals participating in the most intimate and stressful moments of patients’ lives, building rapport and trust with patients … Read More

The DO Staff


The DO

In Memoriam: Former AOBOG board member, William Stanley Jr., DO

A former board member of the American Osteopathic Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology (AOBOG) who served for 20-plus years, William Frederick Stanley Jr., DO, died on Feb. 9, 2025, at the age of 90. He was a resident of Rochester, Michigan.

The DO Staff
