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Public Policy

SOMA and AOA partner on grassroots campaign supporting the REDI Act

By AOA Staff


The AOA recently partnered with the Student Osteopathic Medical Association (SOMA) on a grassroots campaign to build support for the Resident Education Deferred Interest (REDI) Act (H.R. 1202/S. 704). This bill allows medical residents to defer student loan payments without accruing interest during residency, easing financial strain and enabling service in high-need specialties and underserved areas.

Osteopathic medical students continue to face significant financial challenges due to the high cost of education. The interest that begins accruing on student loans during residency, despite limited income, exacerbates this burden and can influence career choices away from areas that need them most.

DO Day on Capitol Hill helped grow awareness for the REDI Act, but continued support is crucial. The AOA and SOMA are working tirelessly to advance this bill but now we need your help. Using our Advocacy Action Center, write your members of Congress and tell them to cosponsor the REDI Act (H.R. 1202/S. 704) today!