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Public Policy

AOA Urges Congress to Address Looming Cut to Medicare Physician Payment

By AOA Staff


Last week, the AOA launched a grassroots campaign encouraging Congress to take action to prevent the looming 3.37% cut to Medicare physician payment. As a leading voice on Capitol Hill, the AOA is committed to advocating for policies that support our physician and student members and ensure the best possible care for our patients. Reduced Medicare physician payments are not only devastating to physicians, but could also lead to decreased accessibility for patients, longer wait times and a strain on the quality of health care services, especially in rural and underserved areas.

Fortunately, due to our ongoing advocacy efforts on this issue, Congress recently introduced the Preserving Seniors’ Access to Physicians Act (H.R. 6683), which would eliminate the looming 3.37% cut to Medicare physician payment, scheduled to take effect January 1, 2024. Let’s keep the momentum going. Take action today by writing your Representative and tell them to support H.R. 6683 today! Together, our unified voice can make a difference in shaping health care policy and in safeguarding the interests of our patients and our profession.