CME Search

Cranial Nerve Course

March 8, 2020 - March 10, 2020

This course will cover the functional associations between the cranial nerves, the sutures, the dura, and the brain. By directly palpating the peripheral branches of cranial nerves, we can evaluate/palpate them for abnormal tension. The nerves are 50% to 90% connective tissue. For example, all three branches of the trigeminal nerve have palpable parts. The maxillary and mandibular branches are often irritated in teeth problems, such as cavities, infections, bite malocclusion, tooth sensitivity, and improper fillings. These branches also supply sensation to the anterior and middle cranial fossa dura. We find osteopathically that teeth problems can affect dural tension. Besides having electrical conduction, the nerves also have fluid flow and nutritive functions.

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Activity Sponsor

American Academy of Osteopathy


The Broadmoor
1 Lake Ave.
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80906

Anticipated Credits

21 AOA Category 1-A