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Public Policy

AOA Submits Statement to Energy and Commerce Committee on Patient Access and Red Tape Burdens

By AOA Staff


On Oct. 19, the Subcommittee on Health of the Committee on Energy and Commerce held a hearing on examining Medicare proposals to improve patient access to care and minimize red tape for physicians. During the hearing, Representative Michael Burgess recognized the AOA by submitting its statement for the record which addresses many issues that impact the osteopathic profession, including:

Patient Access to Care

  • Saving Access to Laboratory Services Act (SALSA): Bipartisan, bicameral legislation which provides updates to Medicare payment system for laboratory services.
  • Improving Seniors Timely Access to Care Act: Reduces barriers to care by helping address many of the problems patients and physicians are experiencing in the prior authorization process.

Independent Practice Sustainability

  • SURS Extension Act: Reauthorizes funds for the Quality Payment Program’s Small Practice, Underserved, and Rural Support (QPP-SURS) Program, which ensures small and rural physicians can participate in quality payment models that will improve patient outcomes and access to care while lowering costs.
  • Provider Reimbursement Stability Act: Make various changes to the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) with the goal of promoting sustainability in reimbursement and ensuring continued access to high-quality health care.

Ensuring a Stable Workforce of Physicians Serving Medicare Beneficiaries

  • Resident Education Deferred Interest Act (REDI Act): Allows resident physicians to defer student loan interest from medical school until the completion of their residency.

Be sure to read the full statement for the record that addresses many of the issues that impact osteopathic physicians. You can also view the full hearing and Congressman Burgess’ comments.