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Get to know the OMED 2019 General Session speakers

Keynotes tackle overcoming obstacles to innovation and examining the intersection of science and security.

By AOA Staff


OMED 2019, set for Oct. 25-28 in Baltimore, will be jam-packed with inspiring and innovative sessions, including 20 TED-style talks from osteopathic physicians who are changing the landscape of medicine through research, innovation and patient care. Rounding out the OMED experience will be two general session keynote speakers who bring unique perspectives from alongside, or in some cases outside the medical community.

With OMED just a few days away, it’s a great time to get to know those general session speakers: Mick Ebeling, who speaks at Friday morning’s Opening General Session, and Marc Goodman, who speaks at the Saturday afternoon General Session.

And it’s not to late to register for OMED. Reserve your spot to hear these dynamic speakers in person!

Friday, Oct. 25 @ 8 a.m.

Mick Ebeling, CEO of Not Impossible
Mick Ebeling

Start your day with an inspiring message from Mick Ebeling, author, entrepreneur, philanthropist, television producer, and the CEO of Not Impossible, an organization that develops creative solutions to address real-world problems.

Not Impossible’s first project was The Eyewriter, which enables individuals with paralysis to communicate and create art using only the movement of their eyes. The company’s most recent endeavor, Project Daniel, enabled Ebeling to fly to Sudan to 3-D-print prosthetic limbs and fit them for children in war-torn regions.

Check out Ebeling’s recent interview with The DO, in which he discussed the principles that guide his leadership strategy and how he thinks medical technology will transform the world.

Saturday, Oct. 26 @ 4:15 p.m.

Marc Goodman, New York Times Best-Selling author, global strategist and security expert
Marc Goodman

After a full slate of didactic sessions on Saturday, New York Times Best-Selling author Marc Goodman, will discuss how technology is impacting security, business and international affairs.

He has spent his career diving deep into the digital underground, advising industry leaders, global policy makers and heads of government on transnational cyber risk and intelligence. Speaking to audiences around the world, Goodman provides unique insights about the risks as well as the opportunities associated with newly-emerging technologies.

Goodman also recently spoke with The DO about digital security threats and what physicians should know about implantable medical devices.

Can’t attend the conference this year? Stay up to date with all the latest news from OMED.