Stay up to date with CME opportunities from the AOA
You’re committed to the health and well-being of your patients. Refine your skills and meet licensure and certification requirements through the AOA’s CME offerings.
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Explore CME requirements, didactic sessions and online modules focused on the latest clinical advances.
You’re committed to the health and well-being of your patients. Refine your skills and meet licensure and certification requirements through the AOA’s CME offerings.
Keep track of your current CME activity or view reports from previous CME cycles (login required).
Explore hundreds of live and on-demand CME options offered by the AOA-approved sponsors.
Self-report your AOA Category 1 & 2 CME activities via our easy-to-use online system.
Your comprehensive guide to policies, processes and requirements for the current CME cycle.
In the spotlight
The AOA is pleased to announce a new way to earn CME on your own time and at your own pace. Check out our lineup of on-demand CME Self-Study Courses featuring top-rated OMED lectures in a variety of specialties. Available packages offer up to 19 credits of AMA or AOA CME.
Find answers to all your CME-related questions, including how CME credit is awarded and how you can obtain a copy of your current CME report.
Explore the AOA’s online learning platform to find hundreds of on-demand CME activities and educational programs designed to build your skills and knowledge.
All osteopathic CME is automatically reported to the AOA, but if you complete non-osteopathic CME, you’ll need to follow a few simple steps to ensure you receive credit for your work.