REGISTER for DO Day | NEWS: Record-breaking Match produces 8,049 new DO residents

Doctor treating a patient

You’re a guardian of wellness, looking beyond symptoms to truly listen and partner with your patients. Our mission? To support you every step of the way.

Now let us amaze you

Expand your reach

We connect you with your colleagues

You’re part of a growing network—186,000 strong!—of osteopathic physicians and medical students dedicated to providing whole-person, empathic care. As an AOA member, you’ll enjoy countless opportunities to build leadership skills, exchange ideas and collaborate with like-minded physicians.

Make an impact

No one fights for you like we do

We’re working on Capitol Hill, in your state and across the globe to raise awareness of osteopathic medicine, champion regulatory improvements and promote access to care.

We engage directly with lawmakers to advance policies that support the osteopathic profession and mobilize grassroots campaigns that amplify the voices of DOs and their patients.

Advance your career

We make your job easier

We understand the challenges you face as a practicing physician—from the regulatory burdens of running a practice to the time demands of billing and coding, certification and CME.

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Tools for tracking

Our convenient tracking tools help free you up to do what you do best: practice medicine.

  • My AOA Dashboard — View a real-time snapshot of your CME licensure and board certification status.
  • TraCME Service — Check out a detailed view of your CME Activity Report.
  • AOA Physician Portal — Review AOA Board Certification requirements and track your OCC status.
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Go ahead and call us

AOA members have access to personal assistance from our Physician Services team in the areas of:

  • Documentation
  • Coding and billing compliance
  • Payment and/or insurer hassles

In addition, our Member Resource Center provides guidance on CME, board certification, student and resident affairs, research and more.

Explore the benefits

Discounts. Oh, do we have discounts for you

The AOA Member Value Program offers tools, resources and savings programs from dozens of industry leaders in practice innovation, wealth management, travel, insurance, auto and technology.

Check out our full slate of Member Value Program benefits to find programs tailored to your individual practice type and career stage.

Raise awareness

We tell the public how fantastic you are

Through our national brand campaign, we’re spreading the word far and wide about the distinctive care DOs provide. Since launching in 2015, the campaign has driven more than 1 billion overall impressions and connected thousands of prospective patients with DOs via our Find Your DO search on

Become a member

There’s so much the AOA can do for you

Join the organization that serves as the professional family for more than 186,000 DOs and medical students, working to advance the distinctive philosophy and practice of osteopathic medicine around the world.