The Bureau of Emerging Leaders (BEL) is your direct representation to the American Osteopathic Association, made up of students, residents, fellows, and new physicians in practice. Several workgroups have been formed to serve our members: Advocacy, Communications, Resolutions, and OMED/DO Day Scholarships. Read on for updates on our recent activities.
The Advocacy Workgroup recently discussed goals for the year. We aim to have at least one, if not more, public policy roundtable with the AOA policy team. Dates coming soon. We’re interested in getting residents more engaged with advocacy efforts and will be brainstorming ideas on how to achieve this. If anyone has ideas/thoughts, please let us know.
The Communications Workgroup has been hard at work brainstorming and assembling the newsletter you have in front of you. We have a great team this year, and we’re excited to share with you the wonderful happenings in our osteopathic community. Looking forward to sharing with you through our upcoming newsletters!
It’s hard to believe OMED has already come and gone. We had a record turnout this year in Boston and virtually, and we were fortunate enough to sponsor FOUR resident physicians to attend this year’s event.
Our resident and new physician in practice tracks had extensive programming about balancing work/life in training, financial management as a new attending, and a variety of specialty-specific education for a wide variety of fields.
But with a successful event behind us, it is time to look to the future. The BEL Scholarship Workgroup has invited several new members this year to identify potential scholarship applicants and help spread awareness for our next event this spring: DO Day on the Hill, an event for professional advocacy in Washington around policies that will shape the future of our profession. More details to come!
In the meantime, if you or someone you know is interested in applying for a BEL scholarship, please reach out to [email protected] for more information. A more formal form is coming in the near future!
We are so grateful to be able to provide these opportunities for members of our osteopathic family and hope this enables you to experience your first of many incredible AOA events.
The BEL Resolutions Workgroup had their first group meeting in November. We are looking forward to discussing new policy ideas, reviewing prior policy, and discussing ways we can contribute to the wellbeing and future of our students, residents, and new physicians in practice.