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Public Policy

Senate Finance Committee Holds Hearing on Health Care Policy, AOA Responds

By AOA Staff


The U.S. Senate Finance Committee recently held a hearing on legislation that addresses the mental health care workforce, prescription drug costs and extending certain expiring provisions under Medicare and Medicaid. To help inform Congress of the issues that impact the osteopathic profession, the AOA submitted a Statement for the Record that outlines many of our concerns, including:

  • Medicare physician payment;
  • Patient access to care and;
  • Program extensions that impact health care.

It is important that the AOA works with lawmakers during these hearings to help better inform them on legislation that impacts the osteopathic profession. In addition, Congress needs to hear from you. Using our advocacy action center, be sure to send your lawmakers an email today and urge them to protect physician practices by supporting legislation that establishes stable, annual payment updates to the Medicare physician fee schedule based on the Medicare Economic Index.